Accessory Workbench Table
Coming soon is the Accessory Workbench Table (#6827045)
for the POWERMATIC PM2000. This bench is just the thing
for the large number of woodworkers who never have enough
bench space available.
The 30 ½” by 39” bowling alley-style European Beech
laminated surface is tough, flat and attractive. Ten ¾”-
diameter bench dog holes make clamping or holding
assemblies square and secure easy. The end of the bench is
bored to accept the included vise that features twin guide bars,
a heavy-duty screw and hardwood handle.
Our new Workbench Table will be
just the thing for many shops where
bench space is at a premium!
The Accessory Workbench Table comes sanded and ready for you to apply the finish that best
matches your shop or working needs. Applying your own finish makes it easy to renew the
surface after years of hard duty takes its inevitable toll.