
FFOORRMMUULLAA ttoo ccoonnvveerrtt AACC WWaattttss ttoo DDCC AAmmppss::
AC Watts divided by 12 x 1.1 = DC Amps
This is the size vehicle alternator you would need to keep up with a specific
load; for example, to keep up with a continuous draw of 1000 watts, you
would need a 91 amp alternator.
TToo ccaallccuullaattee tthhee ttoottaall wwaatttt--hhoouurrss ooff eenneerrggyy ccoonnssuummppttiioonn::
Multiply the power by the operating time. To determine how many 12-volt amp
hours will be consumed, divide the watt hours by 10.
Example: 150 Watts x 1 Hour = 150 Watt Hours
150 Watt Hours ÷ 10 = 15 12 Volt Amp Hours
EEssttiimmaatteedd WWaattttss UUsseedd bbyy CCoommmmoonn AApppplliiaanncceess aanndd TToooollss
Appliance Approx. Watts
12" 3 speed fan 230
VCR 40-60
CD or DVD player 35
SONY PS3 360
Xbox Console 100
LCD television 50 » 150
Laptop computer 150