WARNING: Make sure the lo cking/
release button is locked in th e primary hole
and the knob is securely tightened before op-
erating the unit. All at ta c hments a re des igned
to be used in the p rimary hole unless otherwise
stated in the applicable a ttachment instruction
manual. Using thewrong hole could l ead to seri-
ous injury or damage to the unit.
Button in Primary Hole
Secondary Hole
It is recommended that the engine no t be
operated for longer than 1 minute at full
Cut only f rom your left t o your right.
Long Pants
Heavy shoes
Eye P rotection
Hearin g
WARNING: Always wear eyeprotec-
tion. Never lean over the trimmer head.
Rocks ordebris canricochetor bethrowninto
eyes and face and cause blindness or other
serious injury.
When operating unit, stand as shown and
check for the following:
S Wear eye protection and heavy clothing.
S Holdtrigger handlewith yourrighthandand
assit handle with left hand.
S Keep unit below waist level.
S Cut only from your left to your right to
ensure debris is thrown away from you.
Without bending over, keep line near and
parallel to the ground and not crowded into
material being cut.
Do not run the engine at a h igher speed than
necessary . The cutting line will cut ef ficien tly
when the engine is run at less than full throttle.
At lower speeds, there is l ess engine noise and
vibration. The cutting line will last longer and will
be less likely to “weld” onto th e spool.
Always release t he throttle t rigger and allow
the engine to return to idle speed when not
To stop engine:
S Release the throttle trigger.
S Move the ON/OFF switch to the OFF posi-
WARNING: Use minimum speed
and donotcrowdthe linewhencuttingaround
hard objects (rock, gravel, fence posts, etc.),
whichcandamage thetrimmerhead,become
entangled in the line, or b e thrown causing a
serious hazard.
S The tip of the line does the cutting. You will
achieve the best performance and mini-
mum line wear by not crowding the line into
the cutting area. The right and wrong ways
are shown below.
Tip of the line
does the cutting.
Right Wrong
Line crowded into
work area.
S The line will easily remove grass and
weeds fromaroundwalls,fences, treesand
flower beds, but it also can cut the tender
bark of trees or shrubs and scar f ences.
S For trimming or scalping, use less t han full
throttle to increase line life and decrease
head wear, especially:
S During light duty cutting.
SNear objects around which theline canwrap
such a s small posts, t rees or fe nce wire.
S Formowing orsweeping, usefull throttlefor
a good clean job.
TRIMMING -- Hold th e bottom of the t rimmer
head about 3 i nches (8 cm) above the ground
and a t a n angle. A llow onl y t he tip of the line to
make contact. Do not force trimmer line into
work area.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
SCALP ING -- The scalping t echnique removes
unwanted vegetation down to the ground. Hold
the bot tom o f the trimmer head about 3 in. (8
cm) above theground andat an angle. Allow the
tip o f t he line to strike the ground a round trees,
posts, monuments, etc. This technique in-
creases line wear.