S Never operate the cultivator without the tine
co ver in pl ace and properly secured .
S Keep the tines and guard clear of debris.
S After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine, disconnect the spark plug and
inspect the cultivator for damage. Repair
before restarting.
S Disconnect a ttachment from the d rive engine
before cleaning the tines with a hose and
water to remove any build--up. Oil the tines to
prevent rust.
S Always wear gloves when servicing or
cleaning the tines. The tines become very
sha rp fro m use.
S Do not run unit at high speed unless
HANDS AW A Y FROM BLADE -- Blade m oves
momentarily after the trigger is released or en-
gine isturned off. Dono t attemp tto cl earaway
cut material when the blade is in motion. Make
sure engine is turned of f, the spark plug wire is
disconnected, and the b lade has stopped mov-
ing before removing jammed material from the
cutting blade. Do not g rab or hold theunit by the
cutting blade.
WARNING: Inspect the area before
starting the unit. R emo ve all debris and hard
objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that
can ricochet, be thrown, or otherwise cause
injury or damage during operation.
S Do not use a cutting blade that is bent,
warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any
other way . Have worn or damaged parts
replaced by an authorized service dealer .
S Always keep unit in front o f your body.
Keep all parts of your body away from the
cutting blade.
S Keep thecutting bladeand airvents clear of
WARNING: The r eciprocating blade/
rotating chain can cause severe injury. In-
spect the unitbefore use. Donot operate unit
with abent,cracked ordull bladeor dullchain.
Keep away from t he blade/chain.
WARNING: The r eciprocating blade/
rotating chain is sharp. Do not touch. Topre-
vent serious injury, always stop engine and
ensure blade/chain has stopped moving, dis-
connect spark plug, and wear gloves when
changing or handling the blade or chain.
WARNING: A coasting blade/rotat-
ingchaincancause injurywhileit continuesto
move after the engine is stopped. Maintain
proper control of the unit un til the blade/ chain
has completely stopped moving. Keep
hands, face and feet at a distance from all
moving parts. Do notattempt totouch orstop
the blade or chain when it is moving.
WARNING: Falling objects can
cause severe headinjury. Wear headprotec-
tion when operating t his unit with a pole prun-
er attachment.
WARNING: To prevent serious injury,
do n ot u se more than one boom extension with
a pole pruner attachment.
WARNING: Keep the pruner away
from power lines or electrical wires.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overhead up to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter.
S Do not operate the unit faster than the
speed needed to prune.Do not run the unit
at high speed when not pruning.
S Always stop the unit w hen work is delayed
orwhen walkingfrom onecutting locationto
S If you strike or become entangled with a
foreign object, stop the engine imm ediately
and check for damage. Have any d amage
repaired by an authorized service dealer
before a ttempting further operations.
Discard blades that are bent, warped,
cracked o r broken.
S Stop theunit immediately i f you feelexcessive
vibration. Vibration is a sign of t rouble. Inspect
thoroughly for loose nuts, bolts or damage
before continuing. Contact an authorized
service dealer for repair or replacement of
affected parts as necessary.
WARNING: Keep hands and feet
away from the rotor when starting or running
the engine. Never attempt to clear the rotor
with the engine/motor running. Stop engine
and disconnect spark plug before unclogging
snow or debris from discharge chute or when
adjusting vanes.