7.0 Site Requirements
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012
7.7 Condensate Drain (cont.)
12. A boiler discharge pump is available, ‘MULTIFIT’
part no. 720648301. This pump will dispose of both
condensate & high temperature water from the relief valve.
It has a maximum head of 5 metres. Follow the instructions
supplied with the pump.
13. Condensate Drain Pipe ‘Trace Heating’ Elements are
available in various lengths. ‘MULTIFIT’ part nos.:-
1 metre 720644401
2 metre 720664101
3 metre 720664201
5 metre 720664401*
*Where the drain is between 3 & 5 metres a 5 metre kit can
be used and “doubled back” upon itself.
14. It is possible to fit the element externally on the
condensate drain or internally as detailed in the instructions
15. The fitting of a ‘Trace Heating’ Element is NOT a
substitute for correct installation of the condensate drain.
ALL requirements in this section must still be adhered to.
vi) pumped into an external soil & vent pipe
2.5° Minimum fall
50mm per metre of pipe run
Condensate Pump
Unheated Location
(e.g. Garage)
Basement or similar
2.5° Minimum fall
50mm per metre of pipe run
Pipe must terminate above
water level but below
surrounding surface. Cut
end at 45°
The ‘Trace Heating’ element
must be installed in accordance
with the instructions supplied.
External runs & those in
unheated locations still require
vii) to a drain or gully with extended
external run & trace heating
v) pumped into an internal discharge branch
(e.g. sink waste) downstream of the trap
Pipe must terminate above
water level but below
surrounding surface. Cut
end at 45°
2.5° Minimum fall
50mm per metre of pipe run
Condensate Pump
Basement or similar