Polk/MOMO Subwoofer Specifications
Fiche technique des Subwoofers Polk/MOMO
MM2084 MM2104 MM2124 MM2154
Driver Complement/Transducteur 8" 10" 12" 15"
Nominal Impedance/Impédance nominale 4 Ohms 4 Ohms 4 Ohms 4 Ohms
Frequency response/Réponse en fréq. 26 – 200 Hz 24 – 200 Hz 23 – 200 Hz 18 – 150 Hz
Fs (Hz) 43 Hz 35 Hz 31 Hz 24 Hz
Re 3.3 Ohms 3.3 Ohms 3.3 Ohms 3.5 Ohms
Le 1.84 mH 2.56 mH 2.42 mH 3.01 mH
Qms 15.13 13.77 13.66 10.21
Qes 0.68 0.50 0.54 0.49
Qts 0.65 0.48 0.52 0.47
Sd 224 sq. cm / 353 sq. cm / 518.7 sq. cm / 814.3 sq. cm /
34.72 sq. in. 54.72 sq. in. 80.4 sq. in. 126.22 sq. in.
Vas (cubic feet/pi cubes) 0.562 cu. ft. 1.083 cu. ft. 2.249 cu. ft. 6.595 cu.ft.
Vas (liters) 15.90 liters 30.67 liters 63.71 liters 186.75
Power Handling (watts peak)/ 400 Watts 600 Watts 800 Watts 800 Watts
Puissance adm. (watts/crête)
Sensitivity (SPL at 1 watt / 1 meter)/ 85 dB 86 dB 88 dB 90 dB
Sensibilité (SPL 1 w/1 m)
Xmax (mechanical/mécanique) .71 in. .71 in. .75 in. .79 in.
18 mm 18 mm 19mm 20mm
Xmax (linear/linéaire) .33 in. .35 in. .37 in. .37 in.
8.25 mm 9 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm
Voice Coil Diameter 1.5 in. 2.0 in. 2.0 in. 2.0 in.
Diam. bobine acoustique 38.1 mm 50.8 mm 50.8 mm 50.8 mm
Mounting depth top mount with boot/ 4 1/4" 5 3/4" 6 9/16" 7 3/8"
Profondeur - montage en surface 108.2 mm 146.3 mm 166.1mm 186.7mm
avec cache-aimant
Mounting depth top mount without boot/ 4" 5 1/2" 6 1/4" 7"
Profondeur - montage en surface 101.6 mm 139.7 mm 158.8mm 177.8mm
sans cache-aimant
Mounting depth bottom mount/ 4 9/16" 6 1/4" 7" 7 15/16"
Profondeur - montage en dessous 115.9 mm 158.8 mm 177.8 mm 201.6 mm
Mounting diameter/
7 1/16"
9 1/16"
11" 13 15/16"
Diamètre de montage 179.4 mm 230.2 mm 279.4 mm 3540 mm
Polk Audio’s Customer Service Department is available from 9AM to 6PM, EST, Monday through Friday,
at 800-377-7655. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have questions about your speaker system.