Pre-Operation Inspection
Item What To Do
Bilge Drain water from the bilge before
putting the craft in the water.
Fuel/oil tank
Check fuel/oil; add as necessary;
inspect for presence of water.
Jet pump
water intake
Inspect and remove any debris;
ensure intake grate is secure;
push rear of craft up and down in
the water to flush sand out of wa-
ter intake before starting.
Throttle Check for proper operation.
Steering Check for proper operation; in-
spect control cable.
Fire extinguisher Inspect condition/expiration date.
Check and secure latches.
Engine cover
Remove and ventilate engine
compartment before starting
engine. Re-secure latches.
Item What To Do
Battery Check fluid level/condition; vent
hose must be clear and open.
Hull Inspect hull for damage or cracks;
clean off any marine growth.
Drain plugs/bilge Inspect; clean; be sure each plug
is tight, secure and doesn’t leak.
Loose parts/
Inspect for loose parts/hoses and
connections; tighten as needed.
Seat Check and secure latches.
Loose ropes/
long hair
Be sure that there are no loose
ropes, straps, clothing, etc.;
Long hair is tied back and se-
Riding gear Check operator and passenger
for complete gear and proper fit.
Switches/buttons Check for proper operation.
Lanyard cord/
stop switch
Check condition and operation.
Reverse System Check for proper operation.