Speed Sensor Parts
1. Speed sensor (pictures 2 B and 4 A)
2. Spoke magnet (picture 4 B)
Installing the Speed Sensor
For a video tutorial, see Installing Polar Speed
Sensor at
To install the speed sensor and spoke magnet,
you need cutters and a cross-head screwdriver.
1. It is recommended to install the speed
sensor on the front fork of your bicycle (as
in picture 2 B on the front cover).
2. Attach the rubber part to the speed sensor
(picture 1 on the front cover).
3. Pass the cable ties over the speed sensor
and rubber part (picture 4 A on the back
cover). Adjust the sensor to the front fork
so that the POLAR logo faces outwards.
Adjust the ties loosely. Do not tighten them
fully yet.