Can I access Voicemail on
Communicator R2 Voicemail. In the case of PSTN, it requires the user subscribe
to the service from their phone provider and enter the Voicemail Access
number under Settings>Landline Voicemail>Voicemail Access. In the case of
Lync/Microsoft Office Communicator R2, it requires an enterprise to have
enabled Unified Messaging application from Microsoft.
displayed on Capriana screen. By pressing the “1” key for 3 seconds, the user
is able to trigger and listen to the voicemail from both Lync/Microsoft Office
Communicator R2 and PSTN.
My wireless mic didn’t
connect to my Calisto.
Please try pairing the wireless mic and your Calisto again (see Use Your
Calisto with a Wireless Mic on page 22). In the unlikely event that this doesn’t
fix the problem, simultaneously press the handset icon
and mute button
on wireless mic for six seconds to re-boot the wireless mic. After doing this
replace mic in the docking station