Starting with the Channel Fader
1 Turn on the FADER START switch (CH-1, CH-2,
CH-3 or CH-4) of the channel connected to the
CD player to be controlled.
The indicator for the selected channel will light.
2 Push the Channel fader lever all the way to the
3 Set a cue point on the CD player, and set the unit
to standby (pause) at the cue point.
4 When you want to start the player, push up the
Channel fader lever and the CD player will begin
÷ Channels selected with the CROSS FADER ASSIGN A
and B switches cannot be started with the channel
The following is an example of starting a CD player
connected to CH-1.
Channel fader lever
If cue points have been set in advance when using the
CMX-3000, CMX-5000, CDJ-1000, CDJ-100S, CDJ-700S
and CDJ-500 II, it is not necessary to leave the CD player
on standby at the cue point.
If the Channel fader lever is returned to its original
position after playing has started, the CD player will
return to the cue point and be on standby.
Starting with the Cross Fader
1 Turn on the FADER START switch (CH-1, CH-2,
CH-3 or CH-4) of the channel connected to the
CD player to be controlled.
The indicator for the selected channel will light.
2 Using the CROSS FADER ASSIGN A and B
switches, select the channel (CH-1, CH-2, CH-3 or
CH-4) that the CD player is connected to.
3 Slide the Cross fader lever all the way in
direction opposite the source you want to start.
In the following example, startup is done with the CD
player connected to CH-1 set to ASSIGN A.
4 Set a cue point on the CD player, and set the unit
to standby (pause) at the cue point.
5 Use the CROSS FADER CURVE selector switch
to select the cross fader startup curve.
6 When the Cross fader lever is slid in the opposite
direction as in “3”, the CD player will begin
ASSIGN A switch Cross fader lever
ASSIGN A switch Cross fader lever
If cue points have been set in advance when using the
CMX-3000, CMX-5000, CDJ-1000, CDJ-100S, CDJ-700S
and CDJ-500 II, it is not necessary to leave the CD player
on standby at the cue point.
If the Cross fader lever is returned to its original position
after playing has started, the CD player will return to the
cue point and be on standby.