
5.6.1 Port Forwarding
The Port Forwarding allows you to re-direct a particular range of service port numbers (from the
Internet/WAN Ports) to a particular LAN IP address. It helps you to host some servers behind the
Parameters Description
Enable Port Forwarding Enable Port Forwarding.
Private IP This is the private IP of the server in LAN.
Note: You need to give your LAN PC clients a fixed/static IP address for Port
Forwarding to work properly.
Type This is the protocol type to be forwarded. You can choose to forward “TCP”
or “UDP” packets only or select “both” to forward both “TCP” and “UDP”
Port Range The range of ports to be forward to the private IP.
Comment The description of this setting.
Add Fill in the "Private IP", “Type”, “Port Range” and "Comment" of the setting to
be added and then click "Add". Then this Port Forwarding setting will be
added into the "Current Port Forwarding Table" below. If you find any typo
before adding it and want to retype again, just click "Clear" and the fields will
be cleared.
Reset Click “Reset” will clear your current settings to allows you to enter again.
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