Ø System Name: display and change the system name of this Switch
Ø System Location: display and set the location of this Switch
Ø System Contact: display and set the administrator of this Switch
Ø IP Address: display and set the IP address of MGSW-004
Ø Subnet Mask: display and set the Subnet Mask of MGSW-004
Ø Default Gateway: display and set the gateway of MGSW-004
Ø Change User/Password: allow to set the User name and password
Ø Console Login Enabled: provide enable or disable Console login MGSW-004,
Ø Quit: logout on MGSW-004
3.3.2 Ports Settings
Ø Select any one port, the menu contains ten items for port management will shown up as
Ø Link (RO): display the link state (UP/DOWN) of per port on MGSW-004
Ø Speed/Duplex (RO): display the Speed/Duplex of the device connect to the port
Ø Port Enabled: allow enable or disable the port of MGSW-004
Ø Speed/Duplex: allow set Auto- negotiation, 100Mbps-full/half duplex, 10Mbps-full/half
Ø Flow Control: allow enable or disable flow control on each port
Ø Back Pressure: allow enable or disable Back Pressure on each port
Ø VLAN Tagged: allow enable or disable VLAN Tagged on each port
Ø Default VLAN ID: allow set VLAN ID 1~4095 on each port
Ø Note: set and display the information of each port
Ø Quit: back to previous menu