Before Using Your Camera
6 Focus mode lever
Switches between autofocus
mode (k, l) (p.104)
and manual focus mode (\)
7 | button
Saves JPEG and RAW file by
default. (p.158, p.159)
8 K button
Press to pop up the built-in
flash. (p.60)
9 Mode dial
Changes the Exposure mode.
0 Metering mode lever
Changes the Metering mode.
a ] button
Sets Exposure bracket
shooting. (p.129)
b 3 button
Displays the [A Rec. Mode]
menu (p.72). Next, press the
four-way controller (5) to
display [Q Playback] menu
(p.170), [R Set-up] menu
(p.216) and [A Custom
Setting] menu (p.73).
c M button
Press to show shooting
information on the monitor.
d Q button
Switches to the Playback
mode. (p.68)
e { button
Press to display the Fn menu.
f Shake Reduction switch
Turns the Shake Reduction
function on or off. (p.65)
g 4 button
Saves the setting you selected
in the menu.
Press when menu is not
displayed to display the
currently selected sensitivity in
the LCD panel and viewfinder.
h Four-way controller
Use this to move cursor or
change items in menus and
Fn menu.
i AF point switching dial
Sets focus area. (p.107)
j = button
Focuses on the target before
metering. (p.104)
k L button
Locks the exposure before
shooting. (p.102)
l Rear e-dial
Sets the aperture and
sensitivity values.
m m button
Turn the front e-dial while
pressing this button to set the
EV compensation value. (p.100)
Press to illuminate the LCD
panel. (p.29)