ii C1510M-A (2/03) INTRODUCTION
1. The approach used in this manual is predicated on the installation
and operation of the CM9760-SAT in a 9760 System environment.
Figure 3 is a block diagram that represents such an environment.
2. Figure 3 is our reference or “jumping-off” point for most discussions
in this manual. Note that the block diagram is divided in half: one
side is labeled the “9760 SIDE” and the other is labeled the “SAT
SIDE”. For each, we discuss installation, programming, configura-
tion, and operation, in the order listed in the MANUAL DIREC-
TORY on the next page.
3. The KBD200, KBD300, and KBD300V are keypads that connect to
the SAT SIDE in our sample system environment where they are
used for local operation and programming of the CM9760-SAT.
A section on keypad operations, separate from their actual use in
a programming or operational situation, is not included in the main
body of the manual. This is done to minimize the interruption that
would be involved in flipping back and forth between a section on
the mechanics of keypad operation and the discussion at hand.
Every effort is made to include all data needed to carry out a pro-
posed operation or programming function at the point where it is
discussed or used in the manual. However, we do provide, in Ap-
pendix III,
Keypad Definitions and Templates,
an abbreviated
KBD200/KBD300/KBD300V keypad layout and button description.
9760-SAT System Environment
4. Extensive discussions of keyboard and keypad connections (other
than local SAT keypad hookup) are not included in the main body
of the manual. For example, although multiple keypads can be con-
nected to the SAT, you will not find a two-page digression in the
middle of the manual on how to do it. Multiple keypad hookup is
covered in Appendix II,
Remote Keypad Connections
. Similarly, we
attempt to minimize blanket statements like “connect a straight-wired
cable at one point”, or “connect a reverse-wired cable at another”,
and, instead, encourage you to determine the parameters of cable
hookup to your own satisfaction. Overt statements like those just
mentioned are based on assumptions that may not be true for your
on-site situation. When installing a supplied cable yourself, you
should not blindly attach the cable (supplied or on-site) without know-
ing that the connection you make should work. In fact, you should
be surprised if it does not work. Specific instructions and sugges-
tions on matters related to keypad hookup and communication wir-
ing are found in Appendix I,
Communication and Connection
and Appendix II,
Remote Keypad Connections
. You need
just a few pertinent facts at your disposal in order to connect 9760
communication devices together correctly.