
P/N: 4809658
©2006 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
23MAR06 v1.0 UnivSBMCarb(4809658v1.0)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcrived, or translated into
another language in any form, by any means without written permission of Paxton Automotive.
his manual provides information on the installation, mainte-
nance and service of the Paxton supercharger kit designed for
small block Mopar carbureted engines. Contact Paxton
Automotive Corporation for any additional information regarding
this kit and any of these modifications at (805) 487-3796 8:00am-
4:30pm PST.
An understanding of the information contained herein will help
novices, as well as experienced technicians, to correctly install and
receive the greatest possible benefit from their Paxton supercharger.
When reference is made in this manual to a brand name, number,
specific tool or technique, an equivalent product may be used in
place of the item mentioned. All information, illustrations and speci-
fications contained herein are based on the latest product information
available at the time of this publication. All rights reserved to make
changes at any time without notice.
The crank pulley supplied with this kit is designed to acco-
modate the stock water pump pulley, alternator and power
steering. Vehicles with different accessories may need
custom spacing or elimination of some accessories.
Distributor clearance to the carburetor enclosure is mini-
mal. Distributors must have a small diameter cap in order
to fit.
Due to the many possible engine configurations and boost
requirements, a supercharger pulley has not been includ-
ed in this kit. See pg. iii for options.