6-2 MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions
Use this table to solve some common printer/network problems.
Problem Action
Printer does not appear
to save IP, subnet, or
gateway address.
The value for each segment must be
less than 255 in these addresses.
Printer does not
communicate with
network card or access
If you have reset network or wireless
settings, allow time for the printer to
reset and connect to an access point.
This may take a minute or more,
depending on network traffic.
The printer does not
communicate with your
The network settings must match the
print server’s settings for:
♦ IP address, gateway, and subnet
♦ Ad-Hoc or infrastructure mode
♦ Security
Cannot see print server
on network.
The devices must be on the same
logical network and the subnet masks
should be the same.
Configuration/test label
shows “searching” or
“set manually” for boot
The message “searching” indicates the
print server has not connected to the
network yet.
The message “set manually” indicates
the boot method is Static. If the boot
method is not Static, the print server
was not able to connect to the network.