Introduction 252
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 22 • T1/E1 Link
The T1/E1 Link Activity window (see figure 102) shows the configuration of the T1/E1 Interface, and reports
statistics on the quality of the T1/E1 connection. The statistics listed in this section comprise those contained
in RFC 1406—Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 and E1 Interface Types.
Figure 102. T1/E1 Link Activity main window
Click on
T1/E1 Link
under the
Configuration Menu
to display the T1/E1 Link Activity main window.
T1/E1 Link
Activity main window contains the following items:
• Information that identifies the DS1 Interface on a managed device, indicates the type of DS1 line using the
circuit, and shows the transmission vendor’s circuit identifier (see
figure 102). For more information about
the objects in this window, refer to “T1/E1 Link Activity main window” on page 253.
Line Status
—This variable indicates interface line status. If any condition other than
No Alarms
exists, you
can click on the
Alarms Present
link to view the Line Status Alarms window. For more information about
these objects, refer to
“The physical line failures currently registering will be indicated by the ACTIVE label
next to the failure type.” on page 254.
Line Status—Configuration…
link—clicking on this link takes you to the page that displays the WAN Cir-
cuit Configuration window. This window contains general information about the DS1 interface, amount of
time intervals passed, and kind of line coding). For more information about this page, refer to
“Line Sta-
tus—Configuration” on page 258.
Line Status—Channel Assignment…
link—clicking on this link takes you to the page that displays the
WAN Circuit Channel Assignment window, where T1/E1 lines are segmented into individual channels or
time slots. For more information about this page, refer to
“Line Status—Channel Assignment” on
page 264.