
-Burning-in- your 01 AC-1 000
Like most other great audio components, your D/ AC-l 000 needs to operate for at least 72 hours
before it will start sounding its best. This allows the materials of various internal parts to "form"
so they can better process the complexities of musical waveforms. While your unit will sound
spectacular right out of its carton, you'n find it worthwhile to listen again after a few days. You11
discover details in your music you wouldn't have guessed were there.
Maintaining your D/AC-1000
Your D/AC-IOOO needs no routine maintenance. We do recommend that you remove and twist the
various RCA connections Once a year to remove any corrosion buildup on plugs and jacks. Make
sure the power is turned offbefore attempting this. It is not a bad idea to do this for each of your
other components while you're at it. .
Never use any commercial cleaners or abrasives on the front panel or top cover - they will likely
scratch or disfigure them. Use only a soft cloth, if necessary slightly damp to remove fingerprints.