Setup Menu Level Three - Calibrating Channel Levels
The AVC-2500 is equipped with advanced circuitry that automatically calibrates your home
theater system’s individual channel levels. The easiest method to calibrate channel output
levels and delay times in your home theater system is with Automatic Calibration. Before
you start this procedure, make sure the battery is installed correctly in the ACM-2500
Automatic Calibration Microphone and it is switched on, with the switch closest to the
white dot on its housing.
Treat the ACM-2500 Autocalibration Microphone with care and always insure that its battery
is fresh. If you accidentally drop the microphone or use it with a weak battery, you may end up
with incorrect speaker levels and delay times. If you store it for extended periods, remove the
battery to prevent damage.
To Automatically Calibrate Channel Levels:
1. Connect the ACM-2500 Auto Calibration Microphone to the Cal Mic jack on the front
2. Locate the calibration mic upright at ear level at your listening position.
3. Press and hold the Setup/Trim button on the remote control until SOURCE SETUP appears
on the front panel or on-screen display. Press Setup/Trim button until SPEAKER LEVEL
appears in the displays.
4. Press the A. Cal button on the remote control for two seconds.
5. The on screen display background will turn red as AUTO CALIBRATION appears in both
6. The AVC-2500 will automatically engage the built in noise sequencer and adjust all the
individual channel levels. It is important to keep the calibration mic upright at ear level
and hold it steady without moving during this procedure.
7. When Automatic Calibration is completed, AUTO-CALIBRATION COMPLETE appears in
the displays.
8. Press Setup/Trim to advance to SPEAKER DELAY SETUP, or press and hold the Setup/Trim
button for three seconds to exit SPEAKER LEVEL SETUP and return to normal operation.
Manually Calibrating Channel Levels
Manual calibration requires independent adjustment of the output level for each of the six
channels of your AVC-2500 so that all channels have the same relative signal strength from
your listening position. The AVC-2500 lets you program its internal noise generator to advance
from channel to channel automatically or manually. You also have the option of using either
the internal noise generator or an external reference noise recording from an external source
such as a DVD player or laser disc player.
If you wish, you can calibrate your system with the aid of a sound pressure level (SPL)
meter such as the Realistic Sound Level Meter (Radio Shack catalog # 33-2050). When you
use an SPL meter for calibration, you should hold it upright directly in front of your head
and make adjustments while you are seated in your listening position. If an SPL meter is
unavailable, you can still adjust levels by ear with adequate results.
To Manually Calibrate Channel Levels with the Internal Noise Generator:
1. Press and hold the Setup/Trim button on the remote control until SOURCE SETUP appears
on the front panel or on-screen display.
2. Press Setup/Trim until SPEAKER LEVEL SETUP appears in the displays.
3. Press the Mem/Enter button on the remote control once until the noise generator engages.
4. After three seconds the noise generator automatically will advance to the next channel
in the order of L, C, R, LS, RS, and Sub.
5. Press Volume
̅ ̅
̅ ̅
̅ or
̃ ̃
̃ ̃
̃ buttons to adjust individual channels to 75 dB on an SPL meter.
(Make sure the meter is set to C weighting and slow response time.) The noise generator
will not advance to the next channel until you are finished setting the channel level.
6. Press the Tune
୵ ୵
୵ ୵
୵ or
୴ ୴
୴ ୴
୴ buttons if you want to select a certain channel for level readjustment
or if you prefer to manually control the noise sequencing.