• Available number of characters: 0 - 20 characters
• Unavailable characters: " &
• Default: Varies as follows depending on the model in use.
: WV-SW355
: WV-SW352
: WV-SF346, WV-SF336
: WV-SF342, WV-SF332
: WV-SF335
: WV-SW316L
: WV-SW316
: WV-SW314
: WV-SP306
: WV-SP305
: WV-SP302
: WV-SW155
: WV-SW152
: WV-SF135
: WV-SF132
: WV-SP105
: WV-SP102
: WV-NP502, WV-NW502S
: WV-SW115
Enter the current time and date. When “12h” is selected for “Time display format”, “AM” or “PM” can be selected.
• Available range: 01/01/2010 00:00:00 - 31/12/2035 23:59:59
• Use an NTP server when the more accurate time & date setting is required for the system operation.
(®page 161)
[Time display format]
Select the time display format from “24h”, “12h” and “Off”. Enter the current hour reflecting this setting when
entering the current time and date for “Date/time”. To hide time and date, select “Off”.
• Default: 24h
[Date/time display format]
Select a date/time display format. When “2010/04/01 13:10:00” is set for “Date/time” after selecting “24h” for
“Date/time display format”, time & date will be respectively displayed as follows.
• DD/MM/YYYY: 01/04/2010 13:10:00
• MM/DD/YYYY: 04/01/2010 13:10:00
• DD/Mmm/YYYY: 01/Apr/2010 13:10:00
• YYYY/MM/DD: 2010/04/01 13:10:00
• Mmm/DD/YYYY: Apr/01/2010 13:10:00
• Default:
– DD/MM/YYYY (E model)
– Mmm/DD/YYYY (P model)
[Summer time (daylight saving)]
Select “In”, “Out” or “Auto” to determine whether or not to apply daylight saving time. Configure this setting if
the summer time (daylight saving time) is applied in the location where the camera is in use.
Operating Instructions 49
10 Configure the basic settings of the camera [Basic]