
Preface ..................................................................... 4
About the user manuals ....................................... 4
Trademarks and registered trademarks ............... 4
Abbreviations ....................................................... 4
Viewer software .................................................... 4
Monitor images on a PC ........................................... 5
Monitor images from a single camera .................. 5
About the "Live" page ........................................... 7
Monitor images from multiple cameras ................ 10
Record images on the SD memory card manually ... 11
Action at an alarm occurrence ................................. 12
Alarm type ......................................................... 12
Action at an alarm occurrence .......................... 12
Transmit images onto an FTP server ....................... 13
Transmit an alarm image at an alarm occurrence
(Alarm image transmission) .............................. 13
Transmit images at a designated interval or
period (FTP periodic image transmission) ........ 13
Save images on the SD memory card when
images fail to transmit using the FTP periodic
image transmission function .............................. 14
Display the log list .................................................... 15
About the log list window .................................. 16
Playback of images on the SD memory card ........... 17
About the playback page .................................. 17
About the network security ....................................... 19
Equipped security functions ................................. 19
Display the setup menu from a PC .......................... 20
How to display the setup menu ............................ 20
How to operate the setup menu ........................... 21
About the setup menu window ............................. 22
Configure the basic settings of the camera
[Basic] ...................................................................... 24
Configure the basic settings [Basic] ..................... 24
Configure the settings relating to the SD memory
card [SD memory card] ........................................ 26
Access copy images saved on the SD memory
card onto the PC [SD memory card images] ........ 29
Configure the settings relating to the logs [Log] ... 32
Configure the settings relating to images and audio
[Image/Audio] ........................................................... 36
Configure the settings relating to JPEG images
[JPEG/H.264] (or [JPEG/MPEG-4]) ..................... 36
Configure the settings relating to H.264 images
[JPEG/H.264] ....................................................... 37
Configure the settings relating to MPEG-4 images
[JPEG/MPEG-4] ................................................... 40
Configure the settings relating to images, back
focus and the privacy zone [Image/Privacy] ......... 43
Configure the settings relating to image quality
("Image adjust" setup menu)...............................44
Set mask areas ...................................................48
Back focus setting (Back focus setup menu) ......49
Configure the settings relating to the privacy zone
(Privacy zone setup menu) .................................50
Configure the settings relating to audio [Audio] ... 51
Configure the multi-screen settings [Multi-screen] ... 53
Configure the alarm settings [Alarm] ........................ 54
Configure the settings relating to the alarm
action [Alarm] ....................................................... 54
Configure the settings relating to the alarm
image [Alarm] ....................................................... 55
Configure the settings relating to the alarm
output terminal [Alarm] ......................................... 57
Change the AUX name [Alarm] ............................ 58
Set the VMD areas [VMD area] ............................ 59
Configuration of the settings relating to the mail
notification [Notification] ....................................... 61
Configure the settings relating to Panasonic
alarm protocol [Notification] .................................. 62
Configure the setting relating to the image
recognition [Advanced func.] .................................... 63
Configure the settings relating to the XML
notification [XML notification] ............................... 63
Configuration of the destination settings of the
face detection [XML notification] .......................... 64
Configuration of the settings relating to the face
detection [Face detection] .................................... 65
Configure the settings relating to the authentication
[User mng.] ............................................................... 66
Configure the settings relating to the user
authentication [User auth.] ................................... 66
Configure the settings relating to the host
authentication [Host auth.] ................................... 67
Configure the settings relating to the priority
stream [System] ................................................... 68
Configure the settings of the servers [Server] .......... 69
Configure the settings relating to the mail server
[Mail] ..................................................................... 69
Configure the settings relating to the FTP server
[FTP] .................................................................... 70
Configure the settings relating to the NTP server
[NTP] .................................................................... 71
Configuring the network settings [Network] .............. 72
Configure the network settings [Network] ............ 72
Configure the settings relating to DDNS
[DDNS] ..................................................................75
Configure the settings relating to SNMP
[SNMP] ..................................................................76
Configure the settings relating to the FTP
periodic image transmission [FTP img. trans.] ..... 77
Configure the schedule settings of the FTP