Item Transmission Command (ASCII) Response (ASCII) Parameter (ASCII)
Remaining Size QHR QHR:nnn nnn=000-100 Decimal %
ID Inquiry QID QID:WJ-HD100
Key Lock Status QKM QKM:n n=0 Lock OFF
Inquiry n=1 Lock ON
Alarm Info Inquiry QLD:n QLD:n (Alarm Information) In Transmission command:
n=0 Event report
n=1 Date&time report
In Response command:
n=0 No alarm event
n=1 Alarm has been reset
n=2 Alarm activated
k=0 VMD
n=2 PC alarm
Alarm Information:
Recording Mode QLR QLR:n n=0 2H
Inquiry n=1 6H
n=2 12H
n=3 18H
n=4 24H
n=5 48H
n=6 72H
n=7 96H
n=8 120H
n=9 170H
n=A 180H
n=B 240H
n=C 480H
n=D 960H
n=E Not used
n=F Not used
n=S SP. Q and time are option.
Play Speed Inquiry QLT LTMn n is the same as LTM.
Operating Status QOP xxx (Operating command) xxx=OPL Play
Inquiry xxx=OPA Pause or Copy to card
xxx=OSR Rewind
xxx=OSF Fast Forward
xxx=SCP Search and Play
xxx=SCS Search and Pause
xxx=ORC Normal or Alarm REC
xxx=LIT Internal timer recording
xxx=OSP Stop
Recording Mode QRM QRM:n n is the same as MRM.
Software Version QRV QRV: (Version Numbers) Version Numbers consist of
Inquiry three parts, e.g., (1.00:1.00:1.00).