
Elements are delimited by angle brackets. Elements begin with a start-tag: <element>, and end with an
end-tag: </element>.
Attributes are name-value pairs that occur inside start-tags after the element name.
Comments begin with "<!--" and end with "-->". Comments can contain any data except the literal string
Predefined Entities of XML
The following entities must be used when rendering the following characters in XML.
Entity Description
" &quot; Quotation mark
& &amp; Ampersand
' &apos; Apostrophe
< &lt; Less-than sign
> &gt; Greater-than sign
5.3 System Settings
5.3.1 Login Account Settings
Value Format String
Description Specifies the account ID used to access the Web user interface with
the Administrator account.
Value Range Max. 16 characters (except ", &, ', :, <, >, and space)
An empty string is not allowed.
Default Value admin
Value Format String
Description Specifies the password to use to authenticate the Administrator account
when logging in to the Web user interface.
Value Range 6–16 characters (except ", &, ', :, <, >, and space)
Default Value adminpass
Document Version 2014-05 Administrator Guide 219
5.3.1 Login Account Settings