3.1 Overview
After wall mounting and connecting the VPS to the PBX, you can begin programming the VPS. This
programming should be performed by the installer, using the KX-TVA Maintenance Console software. This
software can be used to set system parameters, change system prompts, diagnose system functions, etc.
KX-TVA Maintenance Console supports connection to the VPS via USB, LAN, and modem. For details on how
to connect the PC to the VPS, see 2.9 PBX Connections. For detailed information on all programming
parameters available through KX-TVA Maintenance Console, refer to the Programming Manual or the
software’s on-line Help feature.
This section explains how to install the software on a PC. Normally you should install the software KX-TVA
Maintenance Console on a PC that will be on-site with you during initial programming.
86 Installation Manual Document Version 3.0 2010/06
3.1 Overview