Additionallreplacement accessories
Rechargeable nickel metal hydride HHR-P107
(Ni-MH) battery
Accessory handset with charger KX-TGA600
Headset KX-TCA60, KX-TCA86, KX-TCA88HA,
KX-TCA92, KX-TCA93, KX-TCA94, or
T-adaptor KX-J66
Expanding your phone system
You can expand the phone system by
registering optional handsets to a single
base unit.
• A maximum of 4 total handsets
(included and optional) can be
registered to a single base unit.
• KX-TG6074: An additional handset
cannot be registered.
Sales and support information
• To order additional/replacement accessories, call 1-800-332-5368.
• TTY users (hearing or speech impaired users) can call !-866-605-!277.
For assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com!hetp 5