
Features 3-53
3 Features
Allows an extension user to make a voice announcement to several people at the same time.
The message is announced over the built-in speakers of proprietary telephones and/or the
external pager. The paged person can answer the page (Answering a Page) from any
extension within the system. The following types are available.
All Extensions: Makes a voice announcement to all extensions over the built-in
speakers of proprietary telephones.
Group: Makes a voice announcement to the designated extension group over
the built-in speakers of proprietary telephones. An extension group is
assigned in program [600] “Extension Group Assignment”.
External: Makes a voice announcement over the external pager.
All Extensions & : Makes a voice announcement to all extensions over the built-in
speakers of proprietary telephones and the external pager.
An extension user can also transfer a call after paging (Paging and Transfer). Also, pages
can be denied (Paging Deny).
An external pager (user-supplied) must be connected beforehand. One external pager can
be connected to the system.
A confirmation tone is sent to the extensions before the voice announcement or
A confirmation tone is sent to the external pager before the voice announcement. The
tone to the external pager can be disabled in program [106].
An extension which has set the Do Not Disturb (DND) or Paging Deny feature, or is in
use cannot be paged.
Connection Reference
2.9 External Pager (Paging Equipment) Connection
Required System Programming
[106] External Paging Access Tone
Related Feature References
Extension Group, Do Not Disturb (DND)
Operating Instructions Reference
1.5 During a Conversation, “Paging”
PSQX1708ZA-05E.QX 99.10.15 10:31 AM Page 53