
Customising Your System (System Programming)
4-12 Customising Your Phone & System
Character Entry
When storing a name or message, enter the characters as follows. The tables
below and on the next page show you the characters available for each key.
You can enter letters by pressing the alphanumeric keys on your telephone.
Example: Key 2 can enter A, a, B, b, C or c.
Entering characters
Press the desired character key.
Press the matching Soft button, press the SELECT* (AUTO ANSWER) button or rotate
the Jog Dial as needed.
Repeat the appropriate steps for the remaining characters.
To erase the last letter, press the (CONF) button.
To erase all letters, press the CLEAR (TRANSFER) button.
To alternate between capital and lower case letters, press the SHIFT button. Once this button is pressed, the
mode remains until the SHIFT button is pressed again.
*If your telephone is a KX-T7431, do not use the provided SELECT button. Use the AUTO ANSWER button which
becomes the SELECT button when using the overlay.
A, a
B, b
C, c
Combination Table 1
1 1 Q q R r S s T t ···
2 2 A a B b C c D d ···
3 3 D d E e F f G g ···
4 4 G g H h I i J j ···
5 5 J j K k L l M m ···
6 6 M m N n O o P p ···
7 7 P p Q q R r S s ···
8 8 T t U u V v W w ···
9 9 W w X x Y y Z z ···
0 0 (space) ! ? . , : ; ···
/ + = < > # $ ···
# # $ % & @ ( ) A a ···
Jog Dial
Display sequence by rotating the Jog Dial