Food Amount of Liquid Minutes
Salmon 1/2 cups (125 ml) 3
Trout 1/2 cups (125 ml) 2
Dry Codfish * 2 cups (500 ml) 10
Tuna 1/2 cups (125 ml) 3
Crab 1 cup (250 ml) 5
Lobster Enough to cover food 6
* Soak it in water the day before:
Combine soaked beans, water or other cooking liquid (as is indicated in recipe); vegetable oil and
seasonings in the pressure cooker. Do not fill it more than half full.
Beans (soaked) Pressure Cooker*
Black Beans 5 to 8 Min.
Garbanzo Beans 5 to 7 Min.
Great Northerns 5 to 7 Min.
Navy or Small Whites 5 to 8 Min.
Pink Beans 6 to 8 Min.
Pinto Beans 5 to 7 Min.
Red Beans 6 to 8 Min.
Red Kidney Beans 5 to 8 Min.
Soybeans 12 to 15 Min.
Black-Eyed Peas Not Recommended
Lentils Not Recommended
Split Peas, Green Not Recommended
Lima Beans, Large Not Recommended
Lima Beans, Baby Not Recommended
*Does not include heat up time. All dried beans must be soaked prior to using.