1 Clean the vegetables thoroughly. Cut off stems; trim, peel or
chop if necessary. Smaller pieces steam faster than larger ones.
2 Quantity, quality, freshness, size/uniformity and temperature
of frozen food may aff ect steam timing. Adjust cooking time
as desired.
3 Frozen vegetables should not be thawed before steaming.
4 Frozen foods should be separated or stirred after 10-12
minutes. Use a long-handled fork or spoon to separate or stir
Fish and Seafood
1 The steaming times listed in the chart are suggestions for
fresh, frozen or fully thawed seafood and fi sh. Before steaming,
clean and prepare fresh seafood and fi sh.
2 Most fi sh and seafood cook very quickly. Steam in small
portions or in amounts as specifi ed.
3 When cooking shellfi sh, steam until shells open and discard
any shells that remain closed. When buying shellfi sh, be sure
to keep the bag open during transportation and storage to
ensure shellfi sh stay alive until cook time.
4 Serve steamed seafood and fi sh plain or use seasoned butter
or margarine, lemon or favorite sauces.
5 Adjust steaming times accordingly.
Frozen Food
When steaming frozen food, cook until food is thoroughly heated
and reaches temperatures above 175° F.