English-8 English-9
Fr Y i n g Ti M e a n D Te M pe r a T U r e
The frying times in this chart are a guide and should be adjusted to suit the different
quantities or thickness of food and to suit your own taste.
Preheat time is 7-10 minutes for fryer to reach desired temperature. (Ready light will
cycle On/Off during frying as temperature fluctuates due to food load.)
Fo o D
Te M p .
e T Ti n g
Ti M e
M i nU T e S)
Chicken Strips 375°F/190°C 5-8
Chicken Pieces, Bone-In 360°F/180°C 15-20
Fish, Battered 340°F/170°C 8-10
French Fries, Frozen 375°F/190°C 3-5
Fritters 375°F/190°C 2-4
Onion Rings 375°F/190°C 3-5
Shrimp, Breaded 375°F/190°C 2-4
NOTE: Prepackaged frozen cooked chicken may cook faster than above time.
Ti p S F o r oil US e a n D ST o r a g e
• Donotuseseasonedorflavoredoilsuchaswalnut,oliveoil,lardordrippings
because they have a low smoke point. Use blended vegetable oil, pure corn oil,
sunflower oil, soybean oil or grape seed oil (canola oil) because these oils have a
high smoke point. Peanut oil is not recommended because it impacts the flavor
• Oilsshouldneverbemixedwhendeepfrying.
• Highheat,waterandburntfoodparticlesbreakdowntheoil’ssmokepoint.
• Replaceoilifyounotice:
• Excessivesmokingatnormaltemperatures
- Strong oil discoloration
- A rancid smell
- Excessive foaming around the frying food
• Oildarkenswithusebecausetheoilandfoodmoleculesburnwhensubjectedto
high/prolonged heat. The more you use an oil, the more slowly it will pour. Its
will not longer deep-fry effectively.
• Whenfryingfoodswithstrongflavorand/oraromalikefishorchicken,usetheoil
only once.
• Filteringtheoilwithacookingoilfilterorfine-meshstrainercankeepitfresher.
Although storing oil in a refrigerator may extend the life of the oil, this should never
be done. This process of chilling oil then brining the oil to room temperature causes
excessive splattering during the heat up process.
• Storethecoveredoilinacooldarkplace,foruptothreemonths.Checktheoil
before using for color, smell, or excessive foaming. Discard the oil if it shows any of
these qualities.
re S eT T H e ov e r H e aT pr oT e C Ti o n BUT T o n
Resetting the Overheat Protection Reset Button may be
necessary if unit will not turn on at start up (power indicator
light illuminated and temperature dial set to selected
temperature) or if unit appears to have stopped working
during use.
1. Unplug the unit from the wall electrical outlet.
2. Allow the unit to cool down.
3. Check the oil level in your unit. If it is below the minimum
level, oil should be added before resetting the unit and
resuming cooking cycle.
4. Remove the control box with heater.
5. Using a narrow slotted screwdriver or pen, gently press the recessed reset button on
the back of the control box, located on the lower right hand side as indicated by the
arrow. (see figure 1)
pr o B l e M Ca U S e So l U T i o n
Fryer not operating Control Panel Assembly not
seated properly.
Power Strip not in correctly
Not turned ON
Not plugged in
Outlet not energized
Over heat device activated
Reinstall Control Panel
Reinstall Power Strip
Turn to ON
Insert plug into outlet
Check fuses or circuit breaker
Unplug unit and allow to cool. Then follow
the instructions in Using Your Deep Fryer
Oil spills over Oil reservoir over filled
Too much water in food
Food batched too large
Remove excess oil (when cool)
Dry food with towel
Use less food in basket
Food greasy
or not crisp
Food batches too large
Oil temperatures too low
Using wrong type of oil
Use less food in basket
Increase oil temperature
Use good vegetable oil
(See Tips for Oil Use)
Unpleasant smell Oil not fresh Replace oil
Fig. 1