Apricot Sponge Cake
1 cup white wine
200 grams (7oz) dried apricot
200 grams (7oz) brown sugar
150 grams (5oz) butter or margarine
3 egg yolks
3 egg whites
80 grams (3oz) toasted almonds
250 grams (9oz) all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
To decorate
Apricot marmalade
Dried apricots
Heat the wine, add the apricots and let them soak. Grind the apricots with an
Oster® Blender until the mix becomes a puree. In your Oster® Mixmaster®
Stand Mixer, mix the egg whites until light and fluffy, add the sugar and keep
mixing. Add the apricot puree and mix with folding strokes. Melt the butter or
margarine, allowing it to cool before adding the previously made mixture. Add
the egg yolks one by one; add the chopped almonds in the Oster® Food
Processor. Lastly, add the all-purpose flour mixed with the baking powder.
Pour the batter into a greased bundt cake pan. Bake it for 35 minutes at 180º
C (350º F). Let it cool and remove it from pan. Add a layer of apricot
marmalade to the top of the cake and decorate with dried apricots and