Appendix F
E5ZE Temperature Controller Write Protocol
The E5ZE Temperature Controller Write Protocol writes and controls various settings in remote mode for the Tem-
perature Controller connected via a RS-232C or RS-422A/485 cable from the PC via the Serial Communications
Note 1. Negative values cannot be written. All values must be set as unsigned BCD.
2. All sequences in this appendix operate on memory bank 0 and cannot be used for other memory banks.
Structure of the Protocol
The following table shows the structure of the E5ZE Temperature Controller Write Protocol.
Sequence Communications sequence name Function
Ladder interface
Send word
150 Write set point (setting unit 1) Writes the set points using a setting unit of 1. Yes No
151 Write set point (setting unit 0.1) Writes the set points using a setting unit of 0.1. Yes No
152 Write proportional band, integral time, and
derivative time
Writes the proportional bands, integral times,
and derivative times.
Yes No
153 Write control period Writes the control periods. Yes No
154 Write output mode Writes the output modes. Yes No
155 Write alarm mode Writes the alarm modes. Yes No
156 Write alarm temperature (setting unit 1) Writes the alarm temperatures using a setting
unit of 1.
Yes No
157 Write alarm temperature (setting unit 0.1) Writes the alarm temperatures using a setting
unit of 0.1.
Yes No
158 Write hysteresis Writes the hysteresis. Yes No
159 Start autotuning Starts autotuning. Yes No
160 Cancel autotuning Cancels autotuning. Yes No
161 Write setting unit Writes the setting units. Yes No
162 Write input shift value Writes the input shift values. Yes No
163 Write manual reset value Writes the manual reset values. Yes No
164 Write ramp value Writes the ramp values. Yes No
165 Write manual output value Writes the manual output values. Yes No
166 Write output value limit Writes the output value limits. Yes No
167 Write output value change rate limit Write output value change rate limits. Yes No
168 Save settings Saves settings. Yes No
169 Initialize settings Initializes settings. Yes No
170 Write HB alarm and HS alarm valid chan-
Writes the HB alarm and HS alarm valid chan-
Yes No
171 Write heater burnout and SSR failure
detection currents
Writes the heater burnout and SSR failure
detection currents.
Yes No
172 Write dead band/overlap band Writes the dead bands/overlap bands. Yes No
173 Write cooling coefficient Writes the cooling coefficients. Yes No
174 Start control Starts temperature control. Yes No
175 Stop operation or control Stops temperature control or manual operation. Yes No
176 Start manual operation Starts manual operation. Yes No
Note Ladder Interface Settings
YES: User settings are required for the 2nd or 3rd operands of PMCR.
NO: Send word allocation: Set the constant 0000 for the 2nd operand (S).
Receive word allocation: Set a dummy word (e.g., DM0000) address for the 3rd operand (D).