2 Instructions
CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual(W483)
High-speed Counter/Pulse
Output Instructions
Reading a PV (C = 0000 hex)
Reading Status (C = 0001 hex)
Port and mode Operation Setting range
Pulse output (P = 0000 or 0001 hex) The present value of the pulse output is stored in
D and D+1.
8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF hex
(−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
High-speed counter
input (P = 0010 to 0015
Linear Mode The present value of the high-speed counter is
stored in D and D+1.
8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF hex
(−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
Ring Mode 0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF hex
(0 to 4,294,967,295)
Port and mode Operation Results of reading
Pulse output The pulse output status is stored in D.
High-speed counter input The high-speed counter status is
stored in D.
PWM(891) output The PWM(891) output is stored in D.
Reading the Results of Range Comparison
(C = 0002 hex)
If C is 0002 hex, PRV(881) reads the results of
range comparison and stores it in D as shown in
the following diagram.
000 0 0 0 0 0
Pulse Output Stopped Error Flag
OFF: No error
ON: Pulse output stopped due to error
Pulse Output Status Flag
OFF: Constant speed
ON: Accelerating/decelerating
PV Overflow/Underflow Flag
OFF: Normal
ON: Error
Pulse Output Amount Set Flag
OFF: Not set
ON: Set
Pulse Output Completed Flag
OFF: Output not completed
ON: Output completed
Pulse Output In-progress Flag
OFF: Stopped
ON: Outputting
No-origin Flag
OFF: Origin established
ON: Origin not established
At-origin Flag
OFF: Not stopped at origin
ON: Stopped at origin
000 0 0 0 0 0 00000
Comparison In-progress Flag
OFF: Stopped
ON: Comparing
PV Overflow/Underflow Flag
OFF: Normal
ON: Error
Count Direction
OFF: Decrementing
ON: Incrementin
000 0 0 0 0 0 0000000
Pulse Output In-progress Flag
OFF: Stopped
ON: Outputting
000 0 0 0 0 000
Comparison Result 1
OFF: Not in range ON: In range
Comparison Result 2
OFF: Not in range ON: In range
Comparison Result 3
OFF: Not in range ON: In range
Comparison Result 4
OFF: Not in range ON: In range
Comparison Result 5
OFF: Not in range ON: In range
Comparison Result 6
OFF: Not in range ON: In range