Deurenberg* P, Yap M, van Staveren WA.
Body mass index and percent body fat: a meta-analysis
among different ethnic groups.
International Journal of Obesity 1998;22:1164-1171
Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic.
Report on a WHO Consultation on Obesity, Geneva, 3-5
June, 1997
WHO/NUT/NCD/98.1, Geneva 1998
* Paul Deurenberg, PhD
Associate Professor in Nutrition, Wageningen University,
The Netherlands
Visiting Professor University 'Tor Vergata', Rome, Italy
Nutrition Consultant in Singapore
5.1 Possible causes of inaccurate measurements.
Measuring postures that should be avoided
Measurement in the following positions may not provide
accurate measurement.
How to hold the grips.
In the following cases, the electric resistance may not be
measured correctly.
5.2 Explanation of error codes
Error display Cause What to do (the next
button to push)
Electrodes were not Grasp the grips cor-
firmly grasped. rectly and measure.
(Start button)
Measurement posture Measure without or
grip was not stable. moving your arms.
(Start button)
Hands are dry. Slightly moisten
hands with a wet
towel, then measure.
(Start button)
The values of body Check the set height,
fat percentage and weight, age, and
BMI are outside the gender again. (Set
measurable range. button)
Abnormal operation Press the O/I button
again and start
measurement. If this
error occurs again,
consult the nearest
Omron dealer.
5.3 Troubleshooting
Trouble What to inspect How to repair
When the O/I Are the batteries Replace both
button is worn out? batteries with
pushed, nothing new 5 ones
is displayed. Is the battery Insert the batteries
polarity correct? correctly.
The value of body Is the measurement Measure again in
fat percentage posture correct? correct posture.
displayed is ab-
normally high
(or low).
An error (E1 to E6) Please refer to "Explanation of Error
is displayed and Codes". (see above)
the measurement
is impossible.
The results differ Please refer to "How to Obtain a Correct
extremely for each Measurement"
Other conditions. Push the O/I button again and restart
from the beginning
If you are unable to obtain a correct measurement after
taking the above-mentioned troubleshooting steps, please
contact the nearest OMRON dealer.
Elbows are bent.
Arms held at an angle,
either too low ot too high.
Measuring while lying down
or sitting.
Moving your body or arms
during measurement.
Your fingers are
not properly
gripping the
When holding the grips, the hands are
positioned unevenly towards the top or
the bottom.