Taking Pictures
If you cannot take a picture
The following are probable causes. Eliminate the problem and resume photography.
Taking Pictures
The shooting lamp flashes in orange.
The display flashes “FULL”.
The display flashes the file number.
The shooting lamp flashes in orange.
The display flashes “FULL”.
The display flashes or .
The shooting lamp flashes in orange.
The shooting lamp flashes in orange.
The display flashes .
Probable cause
Maximum number of image
files recorded (250 images)
Insufficient memory remaining
Insufficient battery power
50 image files have already
taken while recording one
audio file
The shutter button was pressed
(full-press) while the shooting
lamp was lit in orange
Erase unwanted image files.
Erase unwanted audio files or
image files.
Replace with new batteries.
Press the STOP button to stop
recording, then press the REC
button to start a new audio file
and record images.*
Take a picture when the shooting
lamp is green. If the lamp doesn't
change to green, it's too bright or
too dark to take a picture.
*The audio file will be recorded as two audio files.