Press the 9 button while playing a file.
The recorder skips to the beginning of the next track and starts
playing it.
• It cues within the playback range selected in “Play Mode”(☞ P.58). If “Random”
(☞ P.60) is “On”, it cues the next file randomly.
Press the 0 button while playing a music file.
The recorder skips to the beginning of the current track and starts
playing it.
Press the 0 button 2 times during playback.
The previous file is cued, and playback starts at the original speed.
• If “Random” is “On”, the files will be cued randomly.
Skip a Music File While Playing It
Music Playback
When the playback reaches to the end of the last file, it returns to the starting position of the
head file and stops. If “Random” is “On”, it returns to the starting position of the file that is
randomly played and stops.
Music Playback
When the Playback or Fast Forward Reaches to the End of the Last File