Link with patch clamping data
• With PCs linked through a LAN, Physiolink
can synchronize electrophysiological and
confocal image data simultaneously.
• With the same time stamp recorded in the
two PCs, it is possible to access and
analyze an image and its patch clamping
data corresponding to the Physiolink
software time scale.
• The patch clamping graph and Physiolink
software are interlocked and activated
• Physiolink software complies with the
FV300’s high-speed scanning, enabling
msec analysis.
Connecting two PCs by LAN is required.
Analyzing the degree of intensity overlap between channels.
Analyzing the state of a cell interior by synchronizing electrophysiological and confocal
image data. (
Optional software).
Physioview software (Axon PC side)
Working conditions: Clampex Ver. 8.0 or later
Physiolink software (FV300 side)
Colocalization image (white)
By using this function to analyze multi-color
specimens, it is possible to discover
whether different labeled substances are
present in the same region. The ability to
quantify the Pearson correlation, the
overlapping coefficient and the
colocalization index allows colocalization
volumes to be compared between different
specimens. Images can also be analyzed in
Thresholds Mode Regions/
Min-Max Bound Mode
Pacemaker neuron: Sea-slug (nudibranch)
Dr. Stuart Thompson, Department of Biological Sciences, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.
Threshold Mode
Threshold lines can be interactively altered.
Regions/Min-Max Mode
Setting the ROI (region of interest) on the histogram makes it possible to create a
colocalization image. Values can also be obtained for Pearson correlation, overlapping
coefficient and colocalization index.