Installing Software
Before you connect the recorder to your PC and use it, you must first install the "Olympus
Sonority" software from the included Software CD.
Be sure to confirm the following before installation:
• Exit all running applications.
• You need to log on as an Administrator.
1 Insert "Olympus Sonority" into
the CD-ROM drive.
The installation program will start
automatically. Once the program
starts, jump to step 4. If it does not,
follow the procedures in steps 2 and 3.
2 Opening contents in the CD-ROM
with [
3 Double-click [
] in the CD-
4 When the "Olympus Sonority"
launch screen is displayed, click
the desired language to select it.
5 When [
Olympus Sonority Setup
is clicked, the Installer Opening
screen will start up. Follow the
Installer Wizard instructions.
Confirm your acceptance of the
terms of the Licensing Agreement.
• You must accept the terms of the
Licensing Agreement to install
"Olympus Sonority". After checking
the [Agree] box, click [Next].
7 [Registration of User Registration
• Please enter your name, company
name and serial number which is
listed on the separate sheet. Click
[Next] after entering.
8 [Select Setup Type]
• The installation destination can be
changed. Click [Next] if you do not
want to change (Select [Custom] if
you want to change).
9 [Start Installation]
• Click [Install] to start installing. Do
not carry out other operations before
the installation is completed and the
[Complete] screen is displayed.
10 [Installation Complete]
• When the installation is completed,
the completed [Install Shield] screen
will be displayed.
• To connect the recorder to a PC,
refer to "Connecting to your PC"
(☞ P.80), to start up the Olympus
Sonority, refer to "Running Olympus
Sonority" (☞ P. 82).
Installing Software