
FLN-100 BD
Objective lens series list
Meaning of abbreviations shown on objective lens
Objective lens notation
Features of objective lens series
None: Brightfield
BD: Brightfield/darkfield
BDP: Brightfield/darkfield/
Objective lens
Series Magnification BF DF DIC
POL FL F.N. (Field Number) Remarks
UIS2 MPLAPON 50/100 \\U \ 26.5
1.25/2.5 \ 1.25x: 22 /2.5x: 26.5
Use together with polarizer and
analyzer recommended
5/10/20/50/100 \\U \\
LMPLFLN 5/10/20/50/100 \\L \\ 26.5
MPLN 5/10/20/50/100 \ 22
LCPLFLN-LCD 20/50/100 \\L 26.5 For LCD
SLMPLN 20/50/100 \ 26.5
UIS LMPlanIR/MPlanIR 5/10/20/50/100 *
\ 22 For near-IR observation
UIS2 MPLFLN-BD 5/10/20/50/100/150 \\\U \\
MPLFLN-BDP 5/10/20/50/100 \\aU a\
LMPLFLN-BD 5/10/20/50/100 \\\L \\ 26.5
MPLN-BD 5/10/20/50/100 \\ 22
DIC prism U-DICR: UM/LM position, U-DICRHC: LM position fixed, U-DICRH: UM position fixed. *
5~20x: U excitation also possible
50x: DIC observation not applicable *
MPlanIR: available 100x only \: Responds a: Optimally responds BF: Brightfield DF: Darkfield
DIC: Differential Interference Contrast POL: Polarized light FL: Fluorescence
M: Metallurgical (no cover)
LM: Long working distance
metallurgical use
SLM: Super long working
distance metallurgical use
LC: Observation through
None: Achromat/
Corrects aberration at 2 wavelengths of
blue and red
FL: SemiApochromat/
Corrects chromatic aberration in the
visible range (violet~red)
APO: Apochromat/
Optimally corrects chromatic aberration
in the entire visible band (violet~red)
PL: Plan/
Corrects field
curvature of
the periphery of
the image plane
Objective lenses series abbreviation (PL: Plan)
N.A. (Numerical Aperture)
Field Number
For brightfield observation
Infinity-corrected optical system
Cover glass thickness (no cover)
a MPLAPON: Plan Apochromat — P 8
Plan Apochromat objective lenses that correct chromatic aberrations at the highest level.
Olympus guarantees*
optical performance (wavefront aberration) with a Strehl ratio*
of 95% or better. They are also designed for use with Olympus' U-AFA2M active AF unit.
Definition of guaranteed values: Measurements assessed with Olympus’ Interferometer for
Transmitted Wavefront Measurement under specified conditions (measurement: temp.
23°C±1°C; assessment: measurement within the 97% range of the pupil dia.).
Strehl ratio: Indicates in percent (%) the ratio of the proportion of light that an actual
optical system can concentrate with respect to the proportion of light concentrated in the
image plane (central intensity) by an ideal, aberration-free optical system, with the latter
serving as 100%. A higher percentage indicates a higher quality optical system.
a MPLFLN series: M Plan SemiApochromat — P 9
Plan SemiApochromat objective lenses, giving high-level correction for chromatic aberration.
The lineup consists of 7 objective lenses ranging from 1.25x to 100x, and secures a W.D. of
1mm or longer. Since the exit pupil position of the 5x-100x objective lenses is standardized,
the position of the DIC prism does not have to be switched when changing the magnification.
For ultra low magnifications (1.25x, 2.5x), use together with analyzer and polarizer of the
reflected light illuminator.
a LMPLFLN series: Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat — P 10
Long working distance Plan SemiApochromat objective lenses, giving high-level correction
for chromatic aberration. Suitable with samples having a height difference and in preventing
collision, as the working distance is long. Also, since the exit pupil position of the 5x-100x
objective lenses is standardized, the position of the DIC prism does not have to be switched
when changing the magnification.
a MPLN series: M Plan Achromat — P 11
Plan Achromat objective lenses providing excellent image flatness up to F.N. 22.
a LCPLFLN-LCD series: LCD Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat — P 12
Perfect objective lens series for observation of LCD panels and other samples through a
glass substrate. Aberration correction matched to the glass thickness is accomplished using
a correction ring.
a SLMPLN series: Super Long WD M Plan Achromat — P 13
Plan Achromat objective lenses with high magnification and super long working distance.
Three magnifications, 20x, 50x and 100x are available. For 5x or 10x objective lenses,
select from the LMPLFLN Series.
a LMPlan-IR series: IR Long WD M Plan Achromat — P 14
MPlan-IR: IR M Plan Achromat — P 14
IR objective lenses which compensate for aberrations from visible to near infrared light.
Ideal for the observations of semiconductor interiors and the back surface of a chip package
as well as CSP bump inspection.
a MPLFLN-BD series: M Plan SemiApochromat BD — P 15
Plan SemiApochromat objective lenses, giving high-level correction for chromatic aberration.
The series secures a W.D. of 1mm or longer. Since the exit pupil position of the 5x-150x
objective lenses is standardized, the position of the DIC prism does not have to be switched
when changing the magnification.
a MPLFLN-BDP series: M Plan SemiApochromat BDP — P 16
Plan SemiApochromat objective lenses, giving high-level correction for chromatic aberration.
The series secures a W.D. of 1mm or longer. Since the exit pupil position of the 5x-100x
objective lenses is standardized, the position of the DIC prism does not have to be switched
when changing the magnification. The BDP series optimizing brightfield/darkfield and
polarized light characteristics is perfect for Nomarski DIC and polarized light observations.
a LMPLFLN-BD series: Long WD M Plan SemiApochromat BD — P 17
Long working distance Plan SemiApochromat objective lenses, giving high-level correction
for chromatic aberration. Suitable with samples having a height difference and in preventing
collision, as the working distance is long. Also, since the exit pupil position of the 5x-100x
objective lenses is standardized, the position of the DIC prism does not have to be switched
when changing the magnification.
a MPLN-BD series: M Plan Achromat BD — P 18
Plan Achromat objective lenses providing excellent image flatness up to F.N. 22.