a d
Perform steps a-d "Changing
springs" on page 9.
Loosen the bush head, on top
of the cartridge tube, with tool
Lift up the damper rod assem-
bly and drain the oil.
Pull up the scraper with a
screwdriver, release and re-
move the circlip.
The fork legs have three fixed
and one sliding bushing.
Be very careful when disas-
sembling the fork legs.
Fasten the fork leg horizon-
tally with soft jaws in a vice.
Use a hot air gun to warm up
the outer leg where the bush-
ings are located.
The first bushing is located at
the bottom end of the outer
leg, the second approximately
150 mm further up the leg.
Between them is a sleeve to
maintain the distance.
Use the special tool 1702-02 to
remove the bushings.
Install the tool in the top of the
inner steel leg.
Screw the top cap onto the
tool and install the cap in the
outer leg.
Rotate the tool to press out
the bushings.
If tool 1702-02 not is avaliable
push the inner steel leg to the
bottom and then pull it back
quickly, so that the fork is
topping out hard.
Repeat this procedure until the
seal and the bushings can be
pulled out from the outer leg.
15o mm