November 15, 2000
QuickStart Rev 99a29 22 June 00
! IP Address
To add NDS Server to an existing tree, specify the IP address of the server
holding the master replica of the Tree object. This is useful if you are installing
across a WAN. This is an optional parameter.
! DB Files Dir
Specifies the directory path to a location in which NDS database files are to be
stored. This is an optional parameter.
7 Save the ndscfg.inp file > close the editor.
8 Enter the password of the user with administration rights, when prompted.
Upon successful installation, the replica is created and initialized with the basic
schema. Objects for the replica server, LDAP, and security are also created.
IMPORTANT: Before you begin to use NDS eDirectory, you must ensure that SLP has
been installed properly in order for the NDS tree to be advertised correctly. To determine
if the NDS tree is advertised, type the following:
/usr/bin/slpinfo -s "ndap.novell//(svcname-ws==*tree_name.)/"