With this product in your home, you have everything you need to start
your own workout program to tone and 5rm the major muscle groups of
your lower body. This is vital for all of us, regardless of age, sex, or fitness
level, and regardless of whether your primary goal is toning, health
maintenGr_e, or more energy for dally activities.
Proper exercise, including a low fat diet. strength training and aerobic
exercise, tones and conditions the muscles we use every day to stand,
walk, lift and turn. It can actually transform our body composition by
reducing body fat and Increasing the proportion of lean muscle in
our bodies, Using the bike will help in reducing body fat and increasing
cardiovascular endurance.
Be sure to read through this Owner's Manual carefully.
Itisthe authoritative source of information about yourRecumbent Bike.
Retain thismanual for future reference.
Dear Customer,
Congratulations on your purchase of your
Recumbent Bike.
We're sure that you will be completely satisfied
with 1he product and we invite your comments so
that we can hear about your success.
Please write or call our Customer Service Specialisls
at the address or phone number listed below, or
contact us on our web site or emall us with any
comments or questions you may have,
New Balance Fitness Equipment
SK 6100 Recumbent Bike
Customer Service Department
1400 Raft Road SW, Canton OH 44750-0001
1-800-292-5009, Mor_day through Friday
8:30am to 8:0Opm, Eastern Standard Time
emaJl: customersupport@ eewbalance fit ness ,cam
www.newbalanceltt ness ,cam
When ordering parts, please contact our
Parts Department, toll free at 1400-497-5831,
Monday through Friday, B:30am to B:OOpm, EST.
IMPORTANT: You must have your serlat number and
this manual ready when calling for parts.
Please also provide the following information:
1) Name, Mailing Address and Telephone Number
2) Date of Purchase
3) Where Product was Purchased
(Name of Retail Store, City)
4) Model Number (NBC6100-2)
5) Part Order Number and Description
All details depicted in thl_ Owner's Manual. and of the
product Itself, ore subject to change without notice.