ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-24
v1.0, November 2010
no ip http session maxsessions
This command restores the number of allowable un-secure HTTP sessions to the default value.
ip http session soft-timeout
This command configures the soft timeout for un-secure HTTP sessions in minutes. Configuring
this value to zero will give an infinite soft-timeout. When this timeout expires the user will be
forced to re-authenticate. This timer begins on initiation of the Web session and is re-started with
each access to the switch.
no ip http session soft-timeout
This command resets the soft timeout for un-secure HTTP sessions to the default value.
ip http secure-session maxsessions
This command limits the number of secure HTTP sessions. Zero is the configurable minimum.
Format no ip http session maxsessions
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default 5
Format ip http session soft-timeout <0-60>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format no ip http session soft-timeout
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default 16
Format ip http secure-session maxsessions <0-16>
Mode Privileged EXEC