NETGEAR FrameMaker Templates for the Reference Print Manual
Index-2 Index
v1.0, June 2006
DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message), 5-12, 5-16,
14-1, 14-2
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 1-9, 7-1
and authentication
, 1-10
types of
, 1-10
GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation)
and SSID settings, 5-11
between AP and switch, 1-3
loopback address and
, 3-6
guest accounts
, 13-14
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol ), 2-17
initial setup
, 2-6
internal captive portal
creating a new internal web page, C-1
customizing the logged out box, C-15
customizing the pop-up box
, C-14
customizing the welcome page
, C-12
displayinhg authentication errrors, C-4
installing a new internal web page
, C-4
web pagelanguage customization
, C-6
internal database
adding users to
, 6-3
configuring users on
, 9-2
validating users on
, 9-1
IRM (IntelliFi RF Management), 1-4, 2-18, 5-19
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 1-9, 7-4
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
, 5-2
local switch
, 10-2
configuring for redundancy
, 11-2
vs. master switch
, 1-6, 2-8
loopback interface, 2-5, 2-6, 2-13, 3-6
MAC (media access control)
, 1-15, 5-2, 5-3, 5-6, 8-2, 9-1
processing by WFS709TP
, 1-5, 1-8
management utilities
configuring logging
, 13-12
configuring SNMP
, 13-2
configuring user roles, 13-1
creating guest accounts, 13-14
manmageing files
, 13-16
master switch
configuring for redundancy
, 11-4
vs. local switch
, 1-6, 2-8
multi-switch environment, reasons for
, 10-1
open system authentication, 1-8
PoE (Power over Ethernet), 1-6, 2-18
PSK (pre-shared key)
, 1-9, 5-2
RADIUS server
configuring authentication timers
, 6-4
configuring for WFS709TP
, 6-1
for 802.1x authentication, 1-9, 5-3, 5-4, 6-2
RF Plan
Access Point Editor page, 4-15
access point modeling
, 4-7
access point planning
, 4-17
air monitor modeling
, 4-9
air monitor planning
, 4-19
Building Dimension page
, 4-5
Building List page
, 4-4
Building Specification page
, 4-4
Don’t Care/Don’t Deploy areas
, 4-14, 4-26
, 4-22
exporting and importing files
, 4-20
, 4-2
Planning Floors page
, 4-10, 4-25
, 4-2