Chapter 8. ARP | 127
8. ARP
Proxy Address Resolution Protocol
Proxy ARP allows a router to answer ARP requests when the target IP address is not that of the
router itself but a destination that the router can reach. If a host does not know the default
gateway, proxy ARP can learn the first hop. Machines in one physical network appear to be part
of another logical network. Without proxy ARP, a router responds to an ARP request only if the
target IP address is an address configured on the interface where the ARP request arrived.
Proxy ARP Examples
The following are examples of the commands used in the proxy ARP feature.
CLI: show ip interface
(Netgear Switch) #show ip interface ?
<slot/port> Enter an interface in slot/port format.
brief Display summary information about IP configuration
settings for all ports.
(Netgear Switch) #show ip interface 0/24
Routing Mode................................... Disable
Administrative Mode............................ Enable
Forward Net Directed Broadcasts................ Disable
Proxy ARP...................................... Disable
Active State................................... Inactive
Link Speed Data Rate........................... Inactive
MAC Address.................................... 08:00:17:05:05:02
Encapsulation Type............................. Ethernet
IP MTU......................................... 1500