IPv6 Multicast Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(Switch) #show ipv6 igmp-proxy groups
Interface Index................................ 0/3
Group Address Last Reporter Up Time Member State Filter Mode Sources
------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------- -------
FF1E::1 FE80::100:2.3 244 DELAY_MEMBER Exclude 2
Group Source List Expiry Time
------------------ ---------------
2001::1 00:02:40
2001::2 --------
FF1E::2 FE80::100:2.3 243 DELAY_MEMBER Include 1
Group Source List Expiry Time
------------------ ---------------
3001::1 00:03:32
3002::2 00:03:32
FF1E::3 FE80::100:2.3 328 DELAY_MEMBER Exclude 0
FF1E::4 FE80::100:2.3 255 DELAY_MEMBER Include 4
Group Source List Expiry Time
------------------ ---------------
4001::1 00:03:40
5002::2 00:03:40
4001::2 00:03:40
5002::2 00:03:40
Up Time (in secs)
The time elapsed in seconds since last created.
Member State
The possible values are:
• Idle_Member. The interface has responded to the latest group membership query
for this group.
• Delay_Member. The interface is going to send a group membership report to
respond to a group membership query for this group.
Filter Mode
Possible values are Include or Exclude.
The number of sources attached to the multicast group.
Group Source List
The list of IP addresses of the sources attached to the multicast group.
Expiry Time
The time left for a source to get deleted.
Field Description