Log Messages
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
USL: A Trunk being created by bcmx
already existed in USL
Possible synchronization issue between
the application, hardware, and sync layer
USL: A Trunk being destroyed doesn't exist
in USL
Possible synchronization issue between
the application, hardware, and sync layer.
USL: A Trunk being set doesn't exist in
Possible synchronization issue between
the application, hardware, and sync layer.
USL: failed to sync trunk table on unit=x Could not synchronize unit x due to a
transport failure or API issue on remote
unit. A synchronization retry will be issued
USL: Mcast entry not found on a join Possible synchronization issue between
the application, hardware, and sync layer
USL: Mcast entry not found on a leave Possible synchronization issue between
the application, hardware, and sync layer
USL: failed to sync dvlan data on unit=x Could not synchronize unit x due to a
transport failure or API issue on remote
unit. A synchronization retry will be issued
USL: failed to sync policy table on unit=x Could not synchronize unit x due to a
transport failure or API issue on remote
unit. A synchronization retry will be issued
USL: failed to sync VLAN table on unit=x Could not synchronize unit x due to a
transport failure or API issue on remote
unit. A synchronization retry will be issued
Invalid LAG id x Possible synchronization issue between
the BCM driver and HAPI
Invalid uport calculated from the BCM uport
bcmx_l2_addr->lport = x
Uport not valid from BCM driver.
Invalid USP calculated from the BCM
uport\nbcmx_l2_addr->lport = x
USP not able to be calculated from the
learn event for BCM driver.
Unable to insert route R/P Route ‘R’ with prefix ‘P’ could not be
inserted in the hardware route table. A retry
will be issued.
Unable to Insert host H Host ‘H’ could not be inserted in hardware
host table. A retry will be issued.
USL: failed to sync L3 Intf table on unit=x Could not synchronize unit x due to a
transport failure or API issue on remote
unit. A synchronization retry will be issued
USL: failed to sync L3 Host table on unit=x Could not synchronize unit x due to a
transport failure or API issue on remote
unit. A synchronization retry will be issued
Table 54. System General Error Messages
Component Message Cause