
Appendix B: Configuration Examples | 259
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
All UDP packet flows destined to the network with an IP source address from the network that have a Layer 4 Source port of 4567 and Destination port of 4568
from this switch on ports 7 and 8 are assigned to hardware queue 3.
On this network, traffic from streaming applications uses UDP port 4567 as the source and
4568 as the destination. This real-time traffic is time sensitive, so it is assigned to a
high-priority hardware queue. By default, data traffic uses hardware queue 0, which is
designated as a best-effort queue.
Also the confirmed action on this flow is to send the packets with a committed rate of
1000000 Kbps and burst size of 128 KB. Packets that violate the committed rate and burst
size are dropped.