
4xN 10/100/1000 Span Port iMatrix Switch
Chapter 3
Using iMatrix Switch Web Manager
This chapter describes how to monitor and control individual iMatrix Switches
using Web Manager. The following topics are covered:
Accessing Web Manager
Viewing iMatrix Switch Status
Controlling iMatrix Switch Connections
Con guring the iMatrix Switch
Web Manager is the browser-based interface that allows you to change con gu-
ration settings, view status, and control which Span ports are connected to the
monitoring devices.
Note: ____________________________________________________________________
To access Web Manager, the Display option in the CLI must be set to ON. For
more information, see Using the Command Line Interface on page 4.
Accessing Web Manager
Web Manager is a browser-based interface that provides access to any iMatrix
Switch with an IP address accessible from the computer running Web Manager.
Web Manager supports all common browsers.
To access Web Manager:
1. Open an Internet browser on your computer.
2. Enter the iMatrix Switch’s IP address in the URL box and press Enter. The
default IP address is The Web Manager page appears as shown in
Figure 11.