Functional Characteristics
to enable the VRM ring and adjust its size by rotating the knob
so as to reach the range desired. To edit the values set, press
the knob to switch from the VRM function to the EBL func-
To insert a waypoint where the EBL and VRM intersect, press
ENTER; to insert a marker, hold ENTER pressed.
Range and bearing values are displayed in the lower right-
hand side of the screen, together with the indication of the
function currently enabled.
Press CLR to disable the two functions in sequence.
The VRM ring can also be used to set the range for navigation
from the coast, for example to avoid navigating out of the limit
allowed. In this case, set the EBL to any value, adjust the
VRM ring size as desired, then navigate making sure that at
least one point in the ring is always touching the coast.
Easy Pilot function
The Easy Pilot function allows editing tempo-
rarily a route set and followed by the autopilot,
but keeping the route unchanged. This func-
tion is useful to make corrections at once (e.g.,
because of other boats or to approach points of
interests), without having to edit the route
planned or disable the autopilot.
To enable this function, rotate the knob and
position the EBL on the new route to follow,
then press ENTER. The EBL will change color,
as the boat starts following the new route; the
planned route will be abandoned, although dis-
played. To go back to the planned route, thus
canceling the temporary correction, press CLR.
NOTE: The Easy Pilot function can be enabled only if a route is present.